Work is underway for the "New Hope Bidibidi Rehabilitation Centre"
14 April 2021 12:07
More than 200,000 refugees live in the Bidibidi refugee settlement, one of the largest refugee camps in the world. The inhabitants have all fled the civil war in South Sudan which shows no signs of ending, despite many efforts by international organisations and multinational negotiating teams.
Those with disabilities that live in these camps are faced with enormous challenges. Many have very little access to needed auxiliary devices, physiotherapy or community support. Apart from this, many face discriminations
because of their disabilities from within the general population in their society.
We are most grateful for our partnership with SwissLimbs on this project, which will conclude with the construction of a centre in the heart of Bidibidi, to provide holistic services to people with disabilities residing both there and in surrounding settlements.
"The centre will be called “New Hope Bidibidi Rehabilitation Centre” because it brings just that, new hope. It is our hope that this project rehabilitates and
empowers thousands of South Sudanese refugees with disabilities and builds the capacity of how the settlement governing bodies support people with disabilities and change the culture in the settlements of how people with disabilities are viewed. When finally the longed- for peace in South Sudan arrives, we aspire to also bring those services to the communities there. We’d like to thank SwissLimbs for this special partnership and their experience and expertise. We can’t wait to open the centre in 2021!" - Izzy Cumming-Bruce, East Africa Director, HHA