Have you ever wondered how other countries celebrate Christmas? Here's the opportunity to find out what celebrating Christmas in East Africa is like…
In Uganda Christmas is called Sekukkulu, and it is celebrated on the 25th of December. In the lead up to this day, families start preparing for the big day and look to buy new clothes, clean their houses, and the women in the house go to get their hair and make-up done. After all these early preparations, on 24th December is when animals and chicken are slaughtered for their meat for the main meal on Christmas day.
On 25th December, the day starts with church services; and often people who never go to church attend on this day. Everyone loves to get dressed up and show off their new finery that they have made themselves or is a traditional family dress. After the church services, everyone is eager to return home so the cooking and feasting can begin. Everything stops for Sekukkulu. Hospitals start discharging patients to go home except for those who have serious conditions. Most government bureaucrats take their holiday break from almost the middle of December to the second week in January.
On 26th December, they celebrate Boxing Day with many activities such as football tournaments, dancing to music, and performing drama pieces. From 27th-30th December, this is a time to drink and relax in anticipation of new year celebrations.