This Christmas, spread some festive joy to the world’s most vulnerable across Haiti and East Africa. These Gifts of Hope will enable our beneficiaries across the world to receive the very best care available and will provide a better working environment for the staff, more privacy for our patients at HCBH, and life-saving treatment to refugees.
Please watch and share our short film which accompanies this appeal. You can also download the film to play offline via our Vimeo page.
Fuel for the hospital
Despite the increasing challenges that have recently come Haiti's way, particularly the fuel shortage across the country, we are pleased to share that our partner hospital, HCBH, remains open! The hospital has done a fantastic job of extending their remaining fuel for as long as possible by switching off all non-essential equipment in all departments, but as things stand we only have 4 weeks supply of fuel left. It can cost the hospital $200 (£150) of fuel a day to run generators to keep the whole hospital working. Give the gift of fuel and sponsor HCBH to stay open for another day!
Phone system for HCBH
Give the gift of connection! HCBH has never had a phone system between departments and we are looking to change this for 2022. These phones will enable departments offering critical care to better communicate and aid improved patient outcomes. With a 53 phone system donated to the hospital, we need your help with the instillation costs.
Rehab Patient Food
We support one of the leading rehabilitation units in Haiti and help provide meals for inpatients with spinal cord injuries or strokes. This costs about $35 (£26) per patient per week. You can help cover this cost and provide nourishing meals for our patients.
Hospital Privacy Curtain System
Give the gift of dignity! As HCBH is an incredibly busy hospital, it’s important that all patients feel safe and comfortable whilst in their beds. With this system there can be curtains hanging by each bed space like most UK and US hospitals, promoting dignity and privacy for patients.
Sponsor a NICU Nurse
HHA helps support the salary costs of the amazing nurses who help run the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. For $300 a month, you can support one of our nurses, so they can provide life-saving care to premature babies in the unit.
Autoclave for Maternity Theatre
The maternity unit at HCBH is in need of a new Autoclave (an effective device for sterilization). This device will sterilize equipment used on mothers and their newborns by applying high pressure steam and heat, ensuring a more effective sterilization and helping to avoid life-threatening and health-threatening infections.
Replacement radios for Security Guards
Security is always a high priority in Haiti. Radios will allow our team to communicate quickly and clearly with each other at all times ensuring the safety of our patients and staff.
Sponsor the Chaplaincy Team at HCBH
Our hospital Chaplains do an invaluable job by encouraging, supporting and praying with patients at the hospital. They visit each ward, bringing light and love. They also hold prayer meetings for staff, patients, families and visitors. Help support our two chaplains who can continue to provide services to our patients and staff at HCBH for one month.
Rehab Therapy Staircase with Ramp
Our Rehab department is in need of a therapy staircase for patients recovering from stroke and SCI injuries. This unique trainig staircase allows our therapists to incorporate steps into strength building rehabilitation programmes ahead of being discharged. This gift will also be made by Haitian craftsmen, providing a sustainable income to local communities. (Note: photo is an example of what we are looking to purchase. Final item may not look exactly the same).
Physical Therapy Sessions for MdB and Rehab
Every year HHA provide financial support for our partner hospital, HCBH, including their rehabilitation unit (one of the leading rehab units in the country). The rehab physical therapy team also provide valuable support to our children at the Maison de Benediction ensuring the children get regular physical therapy sessions, which is vital for many of our kids due to their disability. For £19 you can sponsor a week’s worth of physical therapy support for the children at MdB and patients in our rehab department, helping them to fulfil their full potential.
Run MdB's tuk-tuk for one year
The Maison de Benediction’s new motor is officially in action! These new wheels have provided transport for our foster kids going to and from the Maison, as well as taking the kids on planned field trips throughout the year. We are now looking for a donor to cover the costs one service and insurance for the tuk-tuk.
New Sensory Room for MdB
MdB cares for children with disabilities who can really benefit from a sensory room; a great, fun environment for their development. Our current sensory room is almost ten years old and some of the equipment is broken. We’d love to refurbish the sensory room during the first few months of 2022 and include brand new equipment such as 2 x Bubble Tubes, Fibre Optic Light, 2 x Projectors and other fun activities for the children.
Large Sensory Multicolour Lamp
MdB cares for children with disabilities who can really benefit from a sensory room; a great, fun environment for their development. Our current sensory room is almost ten years old and some of the equipment is broken. We’d love to refurbish the sensory room during the first few months of 2022 and include a brand new multicolour lamp. Sensory lighting has so many benefits such as mood stabilisation, aiding concentration, coordination and motor development plus much more and all through the joy of play.
Become a BENI Sponsor
Children with disabilities in Haiti face severe discrimination, making them some of the most vulnerable and marginalised people in Haiti. It’s a sad reality that we’re passionate about changing. The Maison de Benediction is a leading disability centre in northern HaitI that provides life-transforming care for children with disabilities and their families, offering day and overnight residential respite care for children whose parents find it hard to provide the full-time specialist care their children need. A shortage in funding due to the impact of COVID-19 forced us to make the heart-breaking decision to shut the Maison for 50% of the year. Currently, the Maison remains closed for 2 weeks of each month, significantly reducing the level of life-transforming care these children receive. Thanks to your support during 2021, we have generated enough funds to open MdB full time until the end of next year! This is fantastic news and something to be celebrated! However we are still in need of more regular donors to sustain this great work long term. If we can secure 44 new regular donors providing a monthly gift of £27 (that's only 90p per day), these gifts will double to £54 per month meaning we can re-open MdB back to full time in 2022 and beyond. For more information at the BENI Sponsorship Program, please take a look here:
Sponsor one of our CBR team for 1 month
With the launch of our New Hope Disability Rehabilitation Centre in Uganda, we have a brand new team who will be staffing the centre and enhancing the lives of persons living with disabilities in the community. For £38, you can sponsor one of our new team for one month, enabling them to support the livelihood, build hope and change lives of those with disabilities.
Sponsor one of our CBR team for 6 months
HHA have an amazing team of Community Based Rehab workers who provide life-transforming support for families with disabilities, helping them access critical services. We have 6 x CBR workers who need sponsoring so they can continue they’re great work enhancing the lives of persons living with disabilities in the community. For £228, you can sponsor one of our new team for six months, enabling them to support the livelihood, build hope and change lives of those with disabilities.
Sponsor one of our CBR team for 12 months
HHA have an amazing team of Community Based Rehab workers who provide life-transforming support for families with disabilities, helping them access critical services. We have 6 x CBR workers who need sponsoring so they can continue they’re great work enhancing the lives of persons living with disabilities in the community. For £456, you can sponsor one of our new team for 12 months, enabling them to support the livelihood, build hope and change lives of those with disabilities.
CRADLE Project
In 2022 HHA will be implementing the CRADLE Blood pressure project which detects high risk pregnancies early, in Oruchinga Refugee Settlement. We'll be training and equipping 70 Volunteer Health Teams with new CRADLE devices and supporting 2 UNHCR clinics. We need $3,144 (£2,339) to carry out this project (this includes equipping, training the VHTs and Clinics with the CRADLE project). Oruchinga hosts over 8,000 refugees. This project will help save many women and babies from high risk pregnancies.
Emergency Food Aid
Food insecurity remains a major challenge in the Ugandan Refugee settlements. On average, the rations provided to refugees by the World Health Programme last only 14 days of a 30 day monthly. During summer 2021 BidBidi was recorded to have the highest number of children in severe acute malnutrition of all the refugee settlements in Uganda. For $3000 you can help us provide emergency food rations to 100 vulnerable people for one month, including those with disabilities, single parent houses and the elderly.
Help 1,700+ children receive life-saving Plumpy'nut sachets
Plumpy'Nut is a peanut based, therapeutic food that treats severe and acute malnutrition within just 6 to 8 weeks. These are used as an emergency treatment for children under 6 months old. It supports rapid weight gain derived from broad nutrient intake which can alleviate a starving child from impending illness or death. Since 2017, HHA have partnered with Edesia, a non-profit, social enterprise making life-saving foods, including Plumpy’Nut. With thanks to Edesia and our partnership, we have together provided almost 6,000 cartons of Plumpy'Nut to over 5,600 children suffering from acute malnutrition across the refugee settlements in Uganda. This is a big opportunity for one or two donors to cover 50% or 100% of the shipping costs to enable 1,700+ children to receive these life-saving sachets.
General Donation - £25
If you don’t mind how your Christmas gift is used you can donate here and we’ll put it to good use. Hope Health Action support a range of projects across Haiti and East Africa including neonatal and maternity departments at our partner hospital, HCBH, disability rehabilitation, malnutrition relief, community health, as well as wheelchair provision.
General Donation - £50
If you don’t mind how your Christmas gift is used you can donate here and we’ll put it to good use. Hope Health Action support a range of projects across Haiti and East Africa including neonatal and maternity departments at our partner hospital, HCBH, disability rehabilitation, malnutrition relief, community health, as well as wheelchair provision.
General Donation - £100
If you don’t mind how your Christmas gift is used you can donate here and we’ll put it to good use. Hope Health Action support a range of projects across Haiti and East Africa including neonatal and maternity departments at our partner hospital, HCBH, disability rehabilitation, malnutrition relief, community health, as well as wheelchair provision.
General Donation - £250
If you don’t mind how your Christmas gift is used you can donate here and we’ll put it to good use. Hope Health Action support a range of projects across Haiti and East Africa including neonatal and maternity departments at our partner hospital, HCBH, disability rehabilitation, malnutrition relief, community health, as well as wheelchair provision.
General Donation - £500
If you don’t mind how your Christmas gift is used you can donate here and we’ll put it to good use. Hope Health Action support a range of projects across Haiti and East Africa including neonatal and maternity departments at our partner hospital, HCBH, disability rehabilitation, malnutrition relief, community health, as well as wheelchair provision.
General Donation - £1,000
If you don’t mind how your Christmas gift is used you can donate here and we’ll put it to good use. Hope Health Action support a range of projects across Haiti and East Africa including neonatal and maternity departments at our partner hospital, HCBH, disability rehabilitation, malnutrition relief, community health, as well as wheelchair provision.