We are so grateful for our incredible HHA Brighton Marathon team who completed the 2022 Brighton Marathon on 10th April.
The sunshine and Brighton residents were out in force cheering on the thousands of participants who took part in the 2022 event, including a team of 4 running for Hope Health Action. A huge congratulations to Cheryl, Nancy, Manu and Carwyn for completing the 26.2 mile course.
Also, thanks to the unstoppable Phil, our Operations Coordinator in Haiti, who joined in the fun remotely, running 10km in solidarity with the team! Unlike the Brighton team, Phil’s track was an old, disused UN helicopter field which he had to lap 17 times in 30 degree Haiti heat and humidity. Incredible effort Phil!
Cheryl is one of HHAs Trustees, who ran the race and achieved a new personal best. She shared with us the difference these fundraising events make to HHA;
"This is my 10th year being an HHA trustee; 9 years ago I took over the very first CPAP machine to our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Haiti. I still remember that trip - I took nothing else with me because the CPAP took up all my baggage allowance! Now, we have at least 2 functioning CPAP machines, and fewer babies are dying thanks to donations we have received.
On one of my other trips, I saw my first case of severe kernicterus (a type of brain damage that can result from high levels of bilirubin in a baby's blood) due to the lack of lab facilities for diagnosis and unreliable energy supply. This led to the introduction of a hand-held bilirubinometer to determine the concentration of bilirubin in the blood, leading to a dramatic reduction in kernicterus cases and the resulting profound disabilities it can cause. More recently, we were also able to upgrade the lab equipment thanks to funding we received.
I have memories of being called in the night to a pitch black hospital when the generator failed, and running to the neonatal unit to ensure babies still received oxygen. We have since been able to invest in a new solar energy system for the hospital.
We have seen positive changes over the years thanks to support and fundraising. We CAN make positive changes with every donation we receive."
If you’d like to sponsor the team, it’s not too late, visit Cheryl's, Phil's or Nancy's Just Giving page to donate
We have places up for grabs in the Brighton 2023 Marathon, alongside the Brighton 10km race and Brighton 50km cycle. Why not sign up today and help provide life-saving health care to the worlds most vulnerable.